In the mountains and the sierras

In the mountains and the sierras
Argentina shares with Chile the privilege of having some of the highest peaks in America. Most are concentrated in the central mountain range. To the south, and as the environment becomes more humid, the hills are gradually losing altitude. No wonder, then, that these two countries are mecca for climbers from around the world and the greatest heights are naturally the most precious gems. Needless to say this sport is reserved only for experienced climbers, who can not undertake this alone, should have the right equipment and use, more particularly, to reliable sources of information and advice, such as clubs Andean distributed along the Andean provinces. Beyond the purposes of this guide a detailed enumeration of all possibilities of mountain climbing offered by the country given that there is great expertise in Argentina. This text is limited to providing information on some of the most famous climbing, some on hills lower, but easier access to justify the start of this adventure, and some possibilities for trekking in the mountains. For location, taking into account the heights of the Cordillera Central. The king of the Andes is the Aconcagua, in Mendoza (6959 m). Pissis volcanoes (6882 m) and Ojos del Salado (6864 m) will compete for the scepter. The first one shared by the provinces of La Rioja and Catamarca, the second shared by the provinces of Catamarca, in Argentina and Atacama in Chile. I still Mercedario hill in San Juan (6770 m) and Huascaran (6768) in the department of Ancash, Peru. The list of the highest mountains and volcanoes of the Americas continues with a number belonging to or shared with Argentina Chile It is known that the ancient American cultures used to pass the higher elevations. There are numerous testimonials from his tenure in higher summits. Without further anthropological studies, it suffices to mention the discovery (1985) to 5300 m altitude, in one of the slopes of Aconcagua, the body of an indigenous child with clothes and blankets funeral, and next to the wrapper cuerpecito offerings of gold, silver valva and marine shellfish. The ice kept the body intact approximately 500 years. Perhaps in these rituals to the heights that would trace the origins of the human need to defy nature. Perhaps the earliest American men have to lead the list of the first climbers. Climbing Aconcagua is an adventure that many record attempts and also cost many victims. The first ascent to the summit was to Mathias Zurbriggen in 1897. Currently, the Aconcagua Provincial Park receives about 2,000 visitors per year, however not all dare to scale. Most are content with a bit of trekking in the hill more accessible. This activity uses the services of specialized guides are used and two access roads. One Horcones The Gorge, which is reached through Puente del Inca (the valley to reach the regular buses) from Horcones continues to Plaza de Mulas base camp where there is a refuge and the Hotel Plaza mules, which is considered the highest hotel in the world. The other entry is for Cow Creek and from there to Plaza Argentina (to 4200 m), which has a base camp. To enter the park requires a credential that is processed in the de Turismo de Mendoza, and must be displayed to guard all the time required. There are different rates as a foreigner or native, and activity to undertake. Trekking permits are valid for 3 to 15 days. It is forbidden to fire, or cutting firewood outside the camp locations and the waste is deposited only in the locations indicated by the rangers. Besides trekking can do horseback riding. Cerro Fitz Roy (3405 m) in the province of Chubut, always attracted the attention of scouts even though it is not among the highest elevations. Located in a very busy area of Patagonia, north of the enormous Lago Viedma, the system of peaks and needles has never been climbed to their summits. The climate is harsh and its slopes are often rough with gale-force winds and major snow. In the area there are good mountain guide for the conduct of trekking groups. Usually these groups are organized in the summer and starting point, once it is reached there is the tiny village of Chalten, whose population is not a hundred people. The services can be found in Chaltén are regular, there are several inns, but few have central heating. Inside and outside the town there are campgrounds and indeed, in the summer this is the preferred type of accommodation. The base camp is Rio Blanco, where both mountaineers and trekking enthusiasts sometimes need to spend days waiting for the bad weather subsides. It is common to horse and with the necessary provisions, the horses will get some people in the area. The climb begins along a path surrounded by native forests and requires good physical condition. The path is opened and then makes the circuit easier, which leads to Laguna Capri. From there, time help, are some of the most impressive peaks of the complex as Mermoz and Guillaumet n
eedles. To reach the camp you have to cross the river several times via bridges trunk, and sometimes we must vadearlo. In summer, the camp looks like a tower of babel, you can hear any language. From here you can take several circuits of varying degrees of difficulty, but always in the company of experienced people. If you are beginner circuit Laguna Capri is one of the shorter. Another is the gap that leads to the Tower of incredible emerald. Opposite is the silhouette of Cerro Torre complete. There are several more, all of impressive beauty, but none for those who have no experience in the mountains. In the vicinity of the hill Tronador (3478 m) is known as the Pampa Linda, a starting point for hiking and horseback riding excursions. Just 86 km from Bariloche, the first 38 Route 258, paved, the rest by gravel road. There are strict timetables for the ascent and descent, on which must be secured before the trip. There is a tourist complex with restaurants, bars and accommodation and there are excursions to hire half, one and two days. You can reach the source of the River Manso, the snowfields of Tronador or Meiling refuge (2000 m), surrounded by glaciers and Alerce Chestnut Overa. This activity is done only in summer and, like all previous mountain guide. The closure of San Luis in the center of the homonymous province, with the Aconquija in Tucuman, and the Sierra Chica de Córdoba are some of the places where the trekking and horseback riding have become a small adventure to integrate proposals for alternative tourism, ever more frequent and widespread. The advantage of this activity is less risk involved in the high peaks and is also an interesting experience. The central cord of the Sierras de San Luis, with average altitude of just under 200 m, is a good place for trekking without major difficulties. The target area is the Water Hedionda hill (2250 m). The first leg starts in the town Suyuque New to the monastery of the Benedictine nuns. The next section continues until the rock formations known as El Castillo, the road will stumble across valleys to the second height of the hill Retana (2200 m). The more adventurous can attempt the summit, which allows an overview of the whole serrano: east of the string Comechingones; west, just drawn on the horizon, the first foothills of the Precordillera. North of the hill is reached Retana Water Hedionda through its western slopes. These trekking do not require special physical training and its objectives are quite achievable, even for beginners. It is recommended not only to make them without a guide who knows the area properly. Another interesting proposal is the trek which passes through the dense jungle tucumana and rises to the heights of Aconquija. The trails are narrow and closed, because the vegetation is decreasing as it rises. By reaching the 3,000 m there are still quite high pastures that at this point give way to rocks. From 4200 m apart from the spectacular view of the mountain range, discovered the ruins of an Incan people called Pueblo Viejo, a top area attractions. At this point also shows some of the fauna. The best view would require more effort, is the top of the hill Tipillas (5400 m). It is a trek without much difficulty, but requires great physical exertion, lasts between 10 and 12 days and the best time to do so from May to September. During the summer it is not advisable, the rains are very intense. On the way, some of the watercourses that flow through the mountains, you can go fishing for trout.
In the Esteros del Iberá
Located in the heart of the province of Corrientes, these enormous waterlogged soils occupy an estimated area of 23,000 km2, which corresponds to 25% of the total area of the province. Iberá Lagoon, which takes its name throughout the region, 17,000 km2 and is entirely dominates the landscape, characterized by the presence of a flora and fauna of exotic specimens-some endangered, and importance of such diversity that although on a smaller scale, make it comparable to the marshlands of the Brazilian Mato Grosso. After suffering quite predation, the marshes became provincial reserve. Today is one of the circuits of adventure tourism in the country more attractive, ideal for practicing modalities that are known as bird and wildlife watching, photo safaris, horseback riding, canoeing and trekking tours. These excursions should be undertaken in the company of guides who have vast knowledge of the area. Otherwise we must refrain from making, because the adventure can become dramatic for those who come from an urban center. Both in Buenos Aires as the capital Correntina there are travel agents who work these special programs to the area of Ibera. The location for these excursions is Carlos Pellegrini, north of Mercedes and 80 km. the only accommodation in the area provided it stays and its capacity is limited, so it is better to make reservations well in advance and provided by companies authorized by the owners for marketing. At the very expressive Iberá Guaraní language means "shining water". The name can not be more appropriate for this large stretch of water that form a labyrinth of creeks and lakes not connected to any organized hydrographic system therefore does not drain into any of the major rivers crossing the province. The complex ecosystem of Iberá formed on the original bed of the Upper Parana, which across the river Aguapey were fed into the Uruguay River. The Paraná was moving westward, until it took its current course in the latest geological era. Summer and autumn are the seasons of heavy rainfall, with annual average exceeds 1,400 mm. The particular topography of the region and its subtropical climate, which, by the concentration of moisture, the summers are hot sharply, hence the scarcity of established human population. Thus, for decades remained the exclusive hunting ground of the neighboring landowners who ventured to guide baquianos, and also served for the practice of subsistence hunting by some former residents. Poorly explored, with very difficult access, was settled over esteros fantasy reality, and legends that the rich imagery correntino wove them are part of the landscape as much as the beautiful birds and alligators that inhabit them. In the brindle coloring stand clear of vegetation patches of old sand banks that settle in the swamps. There is a predominance of dense vegetation and ceibo ombú; sand banks are also very popular for birds that used to make their nests. The range of biomass, amount of organic life, vegetable and animal-is due in part to the area Ibera is a penetration of the neighboring regions of the jungle missionary and eastern forests of the Chaco. The Timbó also called ear black, has been adapted so well to the region that is considered typical of estuaries. Form small nuclei wild, although lower than in their home-the-jungle missionary because you do not have to compete with other species for sunlight. Another species is unusual among the trees or the Higuerón ibapoy, fruit highly prized by some animals. These are precisely those who are responsible for reproduction to expel the seeds through their feces, often placed in the trunk of a tree healthy and robust. The new Higuerón begins to grow inside her and their extensions intersect with it, strongly embracing its trunk until it almost drowns, hence its name of "strangler tree". On the northwest of the marshlands, an arm of the Gran Chaco brings its own species as' quebracho 'and the red palm caranday. For the southern plants are introduced themselves to a dry area, the Espinal, with copies as' ñandubay '-algarrobo's family and native to the forests of the central Chaco. The ñandubaysales coexist with other species such as the 'guabiyú', the 'Urunday', the 'lapacho black' and 'ambay. The enumeration of tree species would be endless, but not the most important thing to see in the estuaries. Its characteristic vegetation is aquatic. Rushes, cattails and reed introduced its roots to two meters deep in a thicket in the middle of the water plant, one of the reasons why they navigate the marshes is extremely difficult and not recommended for novices. The roots intertwine underwater really floating islands called 'embalsados', which serve as a reservoir of nests and food pantry for fish. It is common that many animals are concentrated near the reservoirs in search of food, to navigate the waters, these islands even carry small animals. One of those who choose this means of transport is the 'chajá', which builds its nest in the reeds and sometimes in the water. Among the many species of aquatic plants, which are the most abundant 'lentil', the 'cabbage water', the 'Camalote' and 'irupé. The latter, with a beautiful flower is the symbol streams. One of the animals that feed on aquatic plants, the 'carpincho' does the same with Camalote and helps monitor progress on water too. It is the world's largest rodent, weighing about 65 kilos and has managed to survive despite the intense persecution that is because it has the ability to submerge and disappear completely from the surface for several hours in case of danger. Aquatic turtle, also skulks through the area of the plant prefers, however, feed on live or dead, and their only predator is the 'alligator', American crocodile, the king of real estuaries. The giant reptile, which reaches more than measuring three meters long, whose existence dates back some 100 million years, live in swamps intertropical and is in serious danger of extinction. Their close relatives, the "alligator Over 'and' black alligator 'also ran the same danger, with great damage to the ecosystem and even to humans. Other endangered species such as the 'jaguar', the 'giant otter', the 'cat Oz', the 'deer' and 'marsh deer', the largest of the deer that inhabit the country, with a unusual eight-pointed antlers, with excellent swimming skills, refugees survive in the Esteros del Iberá and can be seen very rarely. The 'anteater' and 'maned wolf,' and typically Chaco also threatened by the relentless persecution of men, are among the many who have found refuge in their area Ibera. The maned wolf, known as the swamp fox for his great physical resemblance to this animal, has given rise to the popular legend lobizón man in a full moon transforms into a wolf-transposition of European ancient legend. In turn, the bottom of the mats has a rich fish fauna consists of dozens of species, which let the 'gold'. Known as the river tigre, fish this large and beautiful aspect of the dam is more coveted by freshwater fishermen. Voracious, feeding on other fish like 'Shad', the 'mojarra' and 'piranhas' - the most aggressive fish in South America. Already in the area, along with many mammals and birds of the swamps, beautiful storks live there are different varieties, and among the best known 'tuyuyú' with ducks, herons, gulls and flamingos. But besides these beings since more than 10,000 years maintained the delicate balance of an ecosystem irreproducible, appear to be other people in esteros: supernatural beings who, as the locals live. A single day that passes in the Ibera listening to the mysterious stories of the villagers would suffice to convince the most skeptical that he has entered the territory of magic, or would say Corrientes, in the land of the Paye, "which expression Guaraní summarizes the sense of magic, so indecipherable, so fearsome, so fascinating, which is not dependent on the will of men but of forces alien to them.
In the national parks
The reason for including them here as an alternative adventure tourism is that they all can enjoy some of the most widely used of this type of tourism. Some, like Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi and Lanin, have a great tourism infrastructure are easily accessible and highly attended by the traditional tourism. Others, like the National Park Baritú, El Rey or Reserva Natural Laguna de los Pozuelos have little or no infrastructure and are very difficult to access due to ground conditions and / or lack of proper roads. Obviously, is a challenge for ecotourists and are recommended a visit only for those with a special interest in learning about these natural treasures. In any case, the minimum asking its visitors is that they act with greater responsibility and avoid causing any damage by negligence or unscrupulous.
Iguazú National Park
Like the Nahuel Huapi, is creation came in 1934, but the decree of foundation dates from 1922. Initiative was the great architect and landscaper Carlos Thays, who had participated in the expeditions of exploration carried out in northern Argentina. Located at the northwest corner of the province of Misiones, at the confluence of the Parana and Iguazu rivers and in the tripartite boundary zone between Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. It has an area of 55,000 hectares, within which are the magnificent waterfalls of Iguazú. Along with the glaciers, this collection of more than 250 jumps of over 70 m high monument is perhaps the greatest natural treasures Argentina. Inside the park there are services for tourists, including an international class hotel, roads, bridges to jump from a spot close by, an information center and a museum of local fauna. The picturesque circuit paths below to see about the vast variety of plants, butterflies and small insects that live in the jungle missionary. Ferns, orchids and begonias put together with a myriad of colorful butterflies an even more amazing to note this landscape full of life. In the park you can hire canoes to carry the traveler from Puerto Canoas to the famous Devil's Throat, a spectacular gorge where the water is' Cases' mobile walls forming 150 m wide and 700 long, which serve as the border with Brazil . The complete and intense of the park requires at least a full day to do so at a pace more rested, and if it takes time for the inevitable photographs, not less than two days. The town serves as a seat Puerto Iguazú, where you can find nice hostels, in many cases served by its owners, and some hotels. Is well equipped and also has restaurants of international cuisine. Like the rest of the province, is populated mostly by descendants of Central European immigrants who have left their mark on the cuisine and the architectural features of their simple but comfortable house. The current landscape is the result of a series of processes that began some 200 million years, characterized by effusions of lava that gave rise to thick cover of basalt, the largest on the planet. Cataracts are much younger, it is estimated to have formed about 200 thousand years ago, as a result of erosion of the river rocks on the water falls on the different levels formed by the erosive process in the different structures of basalt. The jumps are huge arc-shaped or of different height, and fall on the Paraná originate a thunderous noise that is heard for miles around Aryans and the considerable height makes the water to get to the bottom, gives the illusion optical "vanish" in a multitude of bright points that lead to dramatic rainbow can be seen. Spectacular, the falls are, however, the only attraction of the park. More than 2,000 plant species and 400 bird species account for the enormous wealth amassed jungle missionary, ostensibly in the park. Defined by subtropical botanical pluriselva integrates Paraná phytogeographic province, part of the great southern Brazilian jungle. Originally the province of Misiones was occupied by this forest, characterized by the presence of giants between 20 and 30 m in height that are truly "green roofs" and are home to many epiphytic plants that grow from their trunks and branches forming a Plant impenetrable network from the ground to the highest heights. Intensive logging practiced in this province since the beginning of the century eliminated vast areas of valuable timber, while others were burned to plant pine trees. What has been preserved in the park, but fortunately is not the only thing left for the province is from this diversity that makes it absolutely unique within the country and South America, although it is home to species common across the boundaries, introducing themselves as the forest formations basement, the laurel forest of the jungle and mirtácea.
Chaco National Park
It was created in 1954 during the heyday of logging in a few years that has devastated the rich chaqueño Mt. Located in the province of Chaco, about 12 km from the provincial capital. Is not very large (15,000 acres) but has the house all the environments of the Chaco plains. This extends from the mountains of southern Bolivia Subandean beyond the rivers Paraná and Paraguay. The park has several distinct environments: jungle riverbank, mount strong dominant legendary quebracho-colorado, palm savannah with caranday, estuaries and marshes that provide habitat for many species of waterbirds. The rich fauna of the eastern Chaco also lives in the park, which houses still seriously endangered species as the 'puma' and 'cat'. Although weak, there are services in the park, including campgrounds, health and self circuits. Like its neighbor, Pilcomayo, the landscape is not spectacular, but can be monotonous. Its real treasure is the fauna and the plain presented and is ideal for those who visit a real love nature and are capable of understanding the delicate balance. Of course, as in all the parks in the northeast and northwest regions, it is not advisable to visit in the summer because high temperatures and insects can turn the ride suffering.
Pilcomayo National Park
Located in the northwest of the province of Formosa, on the south bank of the River Pilcomayo. It has 60,000 hectares, with a predominance of savannah and palm esteros white or caranday. On the coast in a dense gallery forest, and land a little higher with pockets of mountain species in the Chaco plains, phytogeographic province in which it is Formosa. Abundant wildlife and Formosa is one of the provinces sought by sport hunters. Hunting is prohibited in the park and in the national reserves, but not elsewhere in the province, with permission and respect the terms. The 'jaguar', the 'cat ounce' and 'tatú cart', still, very occasionally, can be sighted in the park, have been pursued to exterminate it is currently completely prohibited hunting.
El Palmar National Park
Located in the province of Entre Rios, between Route 14 and the Uruguay River, has an area of 8,500 hectares. It was created in 1966 to protect the only family of palms' Yatay 'that exists in the temperate zone of the plain chacopampeana. It has a campsite, an interpretation of nature and a restaurant. However, you should consult on these services, since they are not available throughout the year. It takes half a day to tour the park, which has beautiful corners and is surrounded by a large number of natural streams and the typical formation of gallery forests near the rivers. Recommended birding and wildlife, although the latter carries some difficulties and require a further stay. The trips depart from the traditional cities of Colón and Concordia, equidistant from the park, and where is good to find out about walks linked to ecotourism.
Calilegua National Park
Is at the foot of the close of Calilegua, department of Ledesma, Jujuy Province. Although about 100 km far from San Salvador de Jujuy, the provincial capital, and its steep topography makes it extremely difficult to access, which is grounded. For the same reason, its flora and fauna characteristic of the subtropical highlands have remained in a state of great purity. The predominant species of Yunga to a height of 450 meters above sea level, it happens in the rainforest after the mountain and 1800 meters, forests, culminating in the peak heights of the mountains with an alpine meadow type. The succession of environments is one of the most notable features of this park is an area of approximately 76,000 hectares. It was created in 1974 to protect the rich biodiversity, which has virtually no known human modification. It is the last refuge of two native species already extinct: the 'jaguar' and 'lazy'. In the park there are no facilities.
El Rey National Park
In the province of Salta, 80 km from the capital. It was created in 1947 and covers an area of 44,162 hectares. It is the only one of the three acceptable infrastructure. Abundant species in the Chaco region and the forest of Tucumán. Nogales, timber giant cedars and put a note in this jungle of spectacular height.
Baritú National Park
In the far northwestern province of Salta, 70 km from Oran. It is a magnificent example of the species of fauna and flora of the Yungas. Of great beauty and variety, their access is extremely difficult and, curiously, can only be done from Bolivia. Created in 1974, with 72,000 hectares, has no infrastructure for tourism. Is limited by the hills and the Black Pavas. Topography of hills bristling has not yet led to a full recount of its avifauna. It is assumed that there can still be found 'lazy', 'porcupines' and disappeared until the' bear goggles'.
Lihué Calel National Park
Located in the heart of the province of La Pampa, on the edge of the provincial route 152 that splicing to the national route 22, connecting the provincial capital, Santa Rosa, with the city of Neuquen, is a paved road, rather transit, and access to the park is easy. It has an area of 10,000 hectares and a project expansion. The park lies at the foot of the mountain of the same name and is an important example of the flora of the steppe bordering the Pampas plains, wildlife preserves some native birds and offers good fishing opportunities in the nearby lagoons. We need to identify the periods of fishing if you want to get good copies of silverside freshwater catfish and tarariras. You can also see some rock paintings.
Laguna Blanca National Park
In the province of Neuquén, 30 km from the city of Zapala, a major industrial center in the region. It has 8200 hectares. The population characteristics are 'black-necked swans,' for whose protection the park was created in 1945. is accessed by dirt road and offers special interest for bird watching.
Lanin National Park
Located in the province of Neuquen, with an area of 198,000 hectares, 184,000 are for the other three nature reserves that are adjacent to the park, extends over the Andes, and is chaired by the Lanin volcano (3,776 m), now extinct. Accessed from the cities of Junín de los Andes, alumina or Saint Martin de los Andes. Its creation is simultaneous to that of the national parks: Alerces glaciers and, in 1937. It houses a rich pine forest and fauna. It has beautiful scenery and is perfect for the practice of trekking. There are numerous species of birds to see: great white heron, zorzal Patagonian Patagonian parrot, chucaos, fio-fio, and condor, among others. It is a refuge for several endangered species such as pudu, huiña cat, puma or potrillero huemul. It is not easy to view your comment and you need experts who understand the place. Hunting is strictly prohibited, although in the park there are hunting seasons for two species: the red deer and wild boar. You must find out the suitable season for this sport, as for sport fishing, and the vast network lacustrine lakes -24 Total all originated in the glacier-rich Patagonian silverside, and several specimens of the family of salmonids, in addition to the trout. Huenchulafquen is its largest lake, connected on its west by Lake Paimún. Within the park are available for fishing trips on the lakes, as well as fishing trips in summer seasons, spring and early autumn. There are camping and lodge within the park and is ideal stay there several days and travel for the most part.
Los Arrayanes National Park
South of the province of Neuquen, in the area of the Nahuel Huapi National Park, on the peninsula Quetrihué, is the only forest myrtles is in the world. This little gem is only 1,000 km in length, and access to it, just walk from Villa La Angostura, no you can camp there or perform any sporting activity except walking and only in permitted areas. Walking on a path established to know about these specimens tree whose height exceeds 18 m, some specimens reaching up to 25-m feature quite unusual since the myrtles are shrubs reaching heights up to 8 m grow lonely, never in forest. Its thin bark of a cinnamon color sensitivity is apparent in thin plates that are scattered on the floor giving a very special place. The average age of these trees is about 300 years, and together with some typical of the Andean region and very threatened, and as cohiue raulí. It is a national park since 1980.
Nahuel Huapi National Park
It is the largest and oldest building of the Republic of Argentina. It covers 420,000 hectares and is shared by the provinces of Neuquen and Rio Black. Among the many rivers and lakes that are home to the magnificent Nahuel Huapi (564 km2), which gives it its name. At certain times of the year, the Hua Hum River is suitable for rafting without major difficulties. Apart from the traditional tours in the park, there is some perfect for lovers of a more participatory tourism. Horseback riding, lake expeditions, trekking, wildlife watching, photo safaris and rafting in the river Limay are activities that can carry those seeking a greater share of tourism and commitment to the landscape, without neglecting the activities of trekking and climbing hills, the latter are not always suitable for people without experience, but the other, with a little enthusiasm and the essential good company of guides, they are accessible even to those who engage in this type of adventure. In certain areas of the park, and under very strict conditions, is allowed to hunt deer and wild boar, you need to find out the permitted time of year and what are the general conditions.
Puelo Lake National Park
It occupies 23,700 hectares in the northwestern province of Chubut, on the Andes. It is accessible from Lake Puelo, where does the administrative center of the park. Is 20 km from the town of El Bolson Rio Negro, about 120 km to 160 km from Bariloche and Esquel. With these two cities are connected by regular bus route and in good condition. They shape their environment hills Needles, Cuevas, Esperanza, Platform and Three Peaks, which give beauty to the landscape. Within the park there are good services for visitors and it is possible to camp. Presents a special microclimate that permits the development of species not common to other Andean-Patagonian parks. Among its exotic formations are hazel, and the ticket ulmo, trees of great beauty. It also good training for the typical flora of the Andes Mountains Coihues, thorns and blue myrtles. Plants such as blackberries and rosehips, from Europe and introduced artificially, have been developed extensively in the park moving forward on large surfaces. It was created in 1970 to protect a remarkable ecosystem that, in terms of fauna, endangered species like the puma, which once let in all the forests and mountains of the country and now has reduced to a few areas; huemul, the cat and the fox took refuge in Lake Puelo. With the company duly authorized guides, visitors can venture into the park to observe these species. Also with the permission with strict regulations and you can practice sport fishing in the lake, which abounds in native and introduced species. As in other parks in the region are advised summer seasons, spring and early autumn.
Los Alerces National Park
It covers some 240,000 hectares on the mountain range of the Chubut province, about 100 km north of Esquel, the largest city in the area, which serves as a park. Anyway, inside the park there are good services that include various types of lodging-inns, cottages, camping. Should be consulted before going, because it is open all year. The park begins at the height of Lake Rivadavia. It is advisable to visit in summer to make trips on the lakes lake chains, which lead through beautiful scenery to the ancient forest of larch which distinguishes it from other parks on both sides of the ridge. Trekking trips can last all day and take different paths, each with a special attraction. You can find waterfalls, cave paintings, native species of flora, the Cinco Saltos, among many other attractions. A Futalaufquen Lake, the largest lake system which houses the park, there is an interpretation of nature with thorough information on all aspects of the park. The area surrounding the park has the advantage that it is still very little frequented by mass tourism, despite its meager infrastructure should seek advice and adventures of gravel roads to visit one of the prettiest areas of the Patagonian Andes.
Perito Moreno National Park
It is one of the country's oldest park, created in 1937 to protect the rich flora and fauna which houses Patagonian Andes, where forests are lenga. It has 115,000 hectares spread northwest of Santa Cruz province, at the foot of San Lorenzo hill (3706 m) It is a place of rugged beauty, without any infrastructure, the only shelter it provides some stays in the vicinity where you can also request information about camping areas. Everything here is solitude and beauty. There are several lakes which can be reached only on foot or horseback. If it passes with caution and avoid frightening the animals, it is possible to observe several species that are difficult to see in other areas, so do birds, there are cave paintings, several waterfalls and glaciers.
Los Glaciares National Park
Also in the province of Santa Cruz but to the southwest, this park of 600,000 hectares of continental ice was declared a World Natural Heritage by UNESCO. Created in 1945, houses the most spectacular glaciers, among which are the famous Moreno and Upsala. The town serves as a base is the Calafate. One form of adventure tourism that has become increasingly popular in the area of glaciers on trekkng. Has some risks but it is fascinating. Clamp used to snag the shoes, and under the watchful eye of the guides, after a bit of practice, and is able to walk on the glacier. Before sailing on Lake Argentino in a rubber raft for about 20 minutes. Contrary to what might assume, and that seems the most daunting landscape, this trek does not require much experience or physical condition. Just follow the directions of the guides and have a great desire to do it. Of course there are programs much more complex than trekking trips include skiing and last two to three days, but only for people with very good preparation and experience in the mountains.
Tierra del Fuego National Park
It occupies the southwestern tip of Tierra del Fuego on the Beagle Channel and the border with Chile, covers 63,000 hectares. It was created in 1960. its interesting flora includes only 6 species: lenga Guindos, ñires Notre, cinnamon and wood hard.